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Spring Equinox 2023

Spring has sprung

The first day of spring is on March 20th which also kicks off the start of the zodiac sign, Aries season. This is such a time of rebirth as mother natures flowers bloom & the brighter days last longer. As we are products of our environment, whether we realize this fully or not we too mirror the changes of the seasons. Just as nature blooms it is also our time to do the same.

Since Aries is considered the first sign of the zodiac (according to the zodiac calendar), this also marks the astrological New Year. If you’ve found yourself not fully resonating with the traditional New Year in the beginning of January then this may be clarity as to why. Aries energy represents a fresh start. Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac making their season feel like a time of wrapping things up & tying up loose ends before diving head first into new territory. Aries is also ruled by the Ram which can be represented as an energy of dominance, strength, directness, & quick paced speed. They are notorious for leading the pack & their individuality. Aries is ruled by the head which is all about self.

During this time of prominent change, we can expect to feel more energized & ready to finally put our best foot forward. Whether this is regarding a project you’ve been desiring to work on or if this is just showing up everyday to be your best self, Aries season will have you covered. You could even find yourself in a better mood especially if you’ve recently found yourself in a bit of some doom & gloom in the beginning of the year. Now could also be an awesome time to set new intentions & plant the seeds towards new endeavors. This could be included but not limited to business, career paths, or even just simple personal goals. Goals that you know will make impact you greatly but you just haven’t had the energy to implement them.

This energy will encourage you to aim high. Aries are high achievers. Whatever they want they know they can have so they go & get it for themselves. Since they are independent by nature, you may find yourself wanting to go at things alone or exploring new areas within yourself that you haven’t discovered before. This is an exciting time of change & renewal.

In addition to all of this high vibe energy going around, we have a New moon also on March 21st (lots of things going on around this date). New moons are a great for new beginnings as they start a fresh lunar cycle before we approach the full moon. This new moon is the sign of… you guessed it… ARIES. Full moons shed its cosmic spotlight on our emotional bodies while New moons don’t shed any light at all. Matter fact, the sky is at its darkest state under a new moon. With there seemingly nothing present in the sky, this is more confirmation of that fresh slate that we talked about earlier.

The theme is fresh & new & improved. Its an optimal time to start new things. Hobbies, businesses, self care regimens, new diets, exercises, maybe even a new look if you feel like it. Just go for it. Nothing will be standing in your way besides the man (or woman) in the mirror. You owe it to yourself to show up for you because no one else but you has that capability. Make it fun. Make it bold. Aries loves a good bold moment (lol). But most importantly, make it YOU. Embrace your individuality. I find that each zodiac sign season teaches us a bit about ourselves but through the lens of their world. We can learn a thing or 2 from Aries care-free, impulsive & leadership nature. We all have it within us. We just must not be afraid to access it.

You’re Ready!

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Presence is the present.

The beauty in being present

I know we hear this a lot. How the presence is truly a gift. That believing that anywhere but where we are right now is “better” is a recipe for insanity. This is fact. Especially in today’s day & age. Many of us are incredibly goal driven. Not to say this is a bad thing but sometimes being too consumed in goals & taking action on the things that you feel like you lack can actually create more lack in your life. You may be asking how is that possible when you are obtaining what you want in the process? Simple. Your mind could be focused on the end goal but your heart & soul may not be present with that vision which can cause us to experience empty victories.

When you begin to base your worth on things outside of yourself, that’s when the deep emotions of internal lack creep in. Many successful people always say things like “its never about money” or “my peace matters more”. We look up to people that have a higher ranking in social status when those things don’t matter when your spirit isn’t at peace. & the only way to cultivate peace is to be present in the circumstances you’re in right now. Being present doesn’t mean you are content with your life. Aspiring to grow more for yourself is a natural human instinct. However, presence is when you can acknowledge the beauty in your reality right now. Where you don’t feel the need to change or alter anything because your heart is so rooted in gratitude that you see everything as a gift from Source.

I’m no stranger to feeling unbalanced & unfulfilled in life. There were moments in my journey where I would question if where I’m at is where I need to be. This was a result of the many influences in my life like social media, family, friends, etc. Other’s can project these high expectations onto you. Then making you feel like you have to live up to them. Until I realized that none of that has anything to do with me. That is more about them & their own personal views of life. Realizing this shifted my whole perspective. It allowed me to see that I’m enough in this moment right now & so are you reading this.

Don’t feel like you have to obtain more to feel validated in some way. You’ll get the validation & still feel like something is missing. That’s because it is. This can put you in an endless loop. In that loop you lose your sense of self. This is where valuing the concept that the present is the gift can aid in changing the narrative in your life. When you start to feel like life is feeling too much & that you’re overwhelmed with the hustle & bustle, take a moment to breathe. What the breath does is anchor you into the now. Its directly connected to our bodies. Consciously breathing sends a signal to the brain that says “I am here & all is well”.

Hold space for gratitude. Yes, there will always be things that you desire but have you taken a moment to see that where you are today at some point was a desire as well? Gratitude makes us see the miracle in simply being. What you’ve prayed for when you were a 12 or 13 year old girl/boy is now your reality today. Your younger self would be so proud of your growth. Life was never about obtaining physical things. Physical things are great representations of the journey but they don’t make the journey itself. You do.

This is your reminder that you are always on the right path. You will reach the next big thing but thank yourself & your creator for all you’ve endured throughout your process. Life is not supposed to be easy by any means but there is always beauty in every twist & turn.

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Winter Season Blues

Winter season blues. A period of seasonal depression

With the winter solstice that has passed on December 21st this calls for what I call the winter season blues. Otherwise known as seasonal depression. Many of us are no stranger to depression & anxiety. In fact it can almost feel like an unbearable cross between wanting to be happy & upbeat but then also feeling an unwavering feeling of sadness & discontentment. The nights are longer while the day seems to be lost in just a snap of a finger. That little peak of sunlight is almost like our saving grace.

I personally remember my very first encounter of depression. It was about 2 years ago. I am normally a high vibe person but at this point I was going through a dark night of the soul. If you don’t know what that is its basically a long period of shadow work. The tricky part to shadow work is that if you’re in it too long you can almost feel stuck there. Almost like you wont get out of what feels like a deep dark hole filled with all the things you left in the deepest part of your subconscious. It was scary. Especially since it was my first time feeling such heavy emotions. It ultimately led me to my depression. I had no motivation to do anything. Everyday just seemed incredibly hard to get through. Even though nothing externally was happening, it was all internal. I just didn’t see the purpose of anything at that point.

If you are experiencing this currently or even have in the past & you’re afraid of going through this again just know that it doesn’t last forever. One thing I’ve come to realize along my healing journey is that nothing is forever. Even though it may feel that way in the moment, it’s all an illusion. Often times those heavy emotions you are feeling are simply rising to the surface to be purged & fully released. The more we try to force ourselves out of the deep dark hole is the quicker those emotions will come back because there was no actual acceptance of them. In order to heal, the first thing we must do is feel. Don’t judge yourself for feeling what you feel. Observe those emotions. Feel them. & find a healthy way to release them so that you can move along with grace.

This could also be a good time to move your body. This could be through dance, exercise, yoga, etc. The thing about energy is that it’s always moving within & around us. Every feeling/emotion is considered an energy. Energy can only be transmuted but never destroyed. Change the narrative by moving with the energy you are feeling. Even if its for 10 minutes. It doesn’t really matter how long you do it but just be intentional about it. Remember to also take as much time as you need. Whether that’s from family members, friends, even a lover if you have one. Let them know what you’re feeling & if you can’t vocalize what you need be sure to tell them that & ask for space to deal with it on your own.

For those that aren’t feeling any heaviness be sure to check in on your loved ones who are no strangers to feeling it. A simple “just thinking of you” text can shift anyone’s energy. It’s all in the little things. Even if you aren’t feeling the blues, you never know when you might start. That same individual could aid you in that process later. Like it or not, we’re all connected. Show up for them just like you would anything or anyone else. Without depleting yourself, of course.

Be gentle with yourself. After all, we are in the season of hibernation. You don’t have to be on go all of the time, no matter what image society paints. Do whats best for YOU. & remember you are never alone.

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Dope fiends for Dopamine

Dope Feinds for Dopamine

There’s no secret that we live in a world full of technology. I don’t think our ancestors could’ve imagined us living in a world with all of the luxuries that technology allows us to have access to. Things such as cell phones, laptops, ipads, social media, etc. However this is our new normal & it’ll only get more pronounced as time progresses. Even though there are multiple different perks to the rise in technology, there are also down sides to it. Like the negative effects it can have on your brain.

Our brains are full of different chemicals that react with one another. One chemical in particular that I’m going to shed light on is “Dopamine”. Dopamine is kind of like the pleasantry sensor in your brain. Its technically a neurotransmitter/hormone. So basically your body makes it & your nervous system sends messages between nerve cells. Dopamine makes you feel good. It allows us to indulge in pleasure such as sex, shopping, baking, or even eating sweets/junk food. Dopamine is also present in the things we consume. Like social media.

Social media at first was created as a way to connect with long lost friends & family members. However, since humans have evolved so has the timeline of social media. You can definitely utilize it for a multitude of things now. People have even created successful careers out if it. All in which are amazing but can be detrimental if not consumed healthily. Since dopamine is the feel good sensor in our body, social media plays an important role in how we feel about ourselves. Whether that is exchanging messages with someone in your DM or engaging in content as you scroll aimlessly time & time again. Dopamine is present & wants to be felt.

Dopamine mixed with the ideologies of social media can create false narratives in our minds eye concerning ourselves & our image. We’ve all been in that space where you may post something that you worked incredibly hard on that truly meant a lot to you only to be met with mediocre engagement. Or when you simply just don’t feel seen or acknowledged in general on the app. This raises the concern within ourselves that makes us question if we are good enough. Which is extremely valid & understandable but not always true. Some of us may feel this & go down the rabbit hole of self doubt & self delusion to the point where we begin to alter ourselves & conform to a “normal” that wasn’t meant to be inhibited as our own. This is what I call “dope fiends for dopamine”.

We all like to feel validated but how we view ourselves first matters more. Sadly this isn’t the case in our world today. Aimlessly scrolling to feed the fix of a desire that isn’t going to be fulfilling in the next 10 mins is (to me) considered torture. Dopamine is fleeting, meaning that once you get that craving fulfilled there will always be another craving for what you think you want. It creates this endless cycle of inconsistent desires. It’s no different than taking actual drugs. In fact it’s said that addicts are addicts because of the dopamine being released throughout the brain when consuming. Nowadays we have people incredibly indulged in social media culture that their own sense of individuality is so lost in the sauce. Leaving many people constantly looking for something outside of themselves to feel good when in reality its always been YOU.

Social media & technology in general can be very addicting but it should NEVER be able to sway your own sense of security within yourself. It shouldn’t be that powerful that you forget to be present. The now is truly a gift. Whenever you feel invalidated or high strung out on the multiple pathways of your life & where you think it should go maybe take some time away from “feeling good” & sit with a full heart of gratitude. Where you are right now is perfectly aligned. Anything that tries to convince you otherwise is your inner dope fiend.

Silence it & remember who the fuck you are.

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Hustle Culture.

You’re only in a race with yourself.

With social media becoming more & more popular than ever so has the idea of what we view as success. The standard of what we once viewed as feasible seems a bit harder to obtain as the quality of life continues to shift. This is all according to the standard of society. Social media has played a major role in many goals we look to obtain in our lives. It’s kind of like an irony. We’re so connected yet very disconnected from each other which makes us lose touch of what life was really intended to be like. I mean lets face it. You see someone accomplish something that society sees as notable & automatically begin to question your life forgetting that everyone’s journey is purposely intended to be different. Or it could even be the case that you grew up having less than everyone else & it may have made you feel inferior to the next person. Whatever it is this is how hustle culture has manifested.

Hustle culture makes us feel like whatever we’re doing in this very moment isn’t good enough or doesn’t meet the “standard” & that we must strive for better because of all the glitz and glamour we have access to daily. We see the influencers with the G wagon trucks & luxury bags & automatically feel like if we don’t have that then we’re failing in life when that belief is false. First off, it may sound a bit cliche but money never bought happiness. In fact if you speak to anyone that has money they make it seem as though its more of a headache than it actually brings peace. True peace is your personal perception of what the “standard” is to you in your life. AKA whatever makes YOU happy.

Many of us (especially in the black/brown community) tend to have this obscure view of success because we have been without for so long. We almost feel like its our duty to be the first in our families to create generational wealth. Which is a beautiful thing but beautiful when its not at your own detriment. Often times we rush into things & put in 10 times more work than what we need to based off of the root of a much bigger issue which is insecurity. Working solely from a place of lack only manifests more lack. Even if you obtain the monetary figure you’re desiring there will still be an unwavering emotion of discontentment built up inside of you waiting to burst out. Why? Mainly because it needs to be released. This is working from a wounded masculine space.

We are all made up of both feminine & masculine energy. You need both. The feminine is the ultimate bringer of life which makes the energy a powerful manifesting tool while the masculine is perfect at implementing & taking action on whatever is needed. The feminine visualizes & the masculine makes it all happen. When the energy is working from a place of unhealed trauma or wounds this manifests as what we know today as hustle culture. Making every goal we visualize from our unbalanced feminine energy into something that isn’t what we truly want from our core which then causes the masculine side of ourselves to take unnecessary action.

There’s a need to connect with what we truly desire & not what we think we do based off of what everyone else is doing. It’s time to take the pressure off of ourselves & create balance. Don’t let hustle culture rush you or make you feel like your “small” accomplishments aren’t good enough because they are. You making the choice to get up everyday & be proactive in your life is enough. This shouldn’t be confused with the notion that we shouldn’t strive to be better but this is something to bring awareness to the fact that whatever you’re striving for should be a reflection of what’s truly in your heart. How does what you’re doing benefit more than just you? & why do you feel as though you must chase something that is already meant to be in your possession? These are good questions to ask ourselves prior to setting standards on ourselves & our own lives.

It’s also important now more than ever to practice gratitude. What you have right now could be far more than what another person has. Granted this isn’t a competition but just something to put things into perspective. Having gratitude allows us to be present in the already existing miracle we’ve prayed for. There will always be many races to run & goals to obtain but what truly matters is the state of being in which you’re in right now.

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When its time to cut ties.

All things aren’t meant to last forever

Cutting ties can feel extremely difficult. Maybe you’ve known this person your whole life so the history of the connection binds you to this person. Or maybe its the case that you haven’t known this person for long yet they still leave an impact on your life in a major way. Either way it can feel taxing on your hearts center. However, where does that come from? I feel the guilt comes from not wanting to step on anyones toes. Or maybe we just fear appearing too selfish or that we’re overreacting. Or maybe you’re in a position where whomever you feel you need to detach from is your only source of company. All reasons are valid but never valid enough to not put your needs first.

We’ve all been there before or will be there at some point in time. However, never feel devastated when a bond breaks. Something only breaks when the foundation of it wasn’t strong enough to begin with. It wouldn’t have lasted the test of time. I’m realizing that some things in life have an expiration date on them while others are simply limitless. If you’re experiencing this now or have in the past just know that the expiration date has come & simultaneously your level of inner growth has deepened. Kind of like a plant. Once a plant grows you must switch out its pot & replant it in fresh soil. That pot may be bigger & better suited for the next phase of the plants life. However it will take some adjustments. Change goes hand in hand with growth.

Around this time last year I had a friend that I was friends with for years. I never would’ve thought there would be a time that we wouldn’t be friends because of our history together but ultimately it was my decision. One hard lesson I had to learn personally was that history should never be the only reason a relationship stays together. Throughout that time people can change. I felt like I was “outgrowing my pot”. I had been doing extensive amounts of inner work on myself to the point that everyone noticed the changes within me. I began to find my own spark. As I did I found that the old things that kept us together included things that didn’t really resonate with me anymore. I almost felt guilty at first when the feelings arised but then I remembered that all of this is normal. Especially in your 20s. Its okay to outgrow people. Its okay to not want to share your life with them anymore. & its especially okay if someone chooses to remove themselves from you. Remember that everything has a higher purpose. Even if in the moment it doesn’t quite feel that way. Know that you’re divinely guided always.

In the mean time, focus on things you can control. Like your own choice to be happy. Or on your own growth. Do this with love. Move with grace. Anything else will always come back to you. Remember that. It can be a tough pill to swallow when its time to let go but that’s the hardest part. Once that’s done your beautiful transformation is free to take place.

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