Presence is the present.

I know we hear this a lot. How the presence is truly a gift. That believing that anywhere but where we are right now is “better” is a recipe for insanity. This is fact. Especially in today’s day & age. Many of us are incredibly goal driven. Not to say this is a bad thing but sometimes being too consumed in goals & taking action on the things that you feel like you lack can actually create more lack in your life. You may be asking how is that possible when you are obtaining what you want in the process? Simple. Your mind could be focused on the end goal but your heart & soul may not be present with that vision which can cause us to experience empty victories.

When you begin to base your worth on things outside of yourself, that’s when the deep emotions of internal lack creep in. Many successful people always say things like “its never about money” or “my peace matters more”. We look up to people that have a higher ranking in social status when those things don’t matter when your spirit isn’t at peace. & the only way to cultivate peace is to be present in the circumstances you’re in right now. Being present doesn’t mean you are content with your life. Aspiring to grow more for yourself is a natural human instinct. However, presence is when you can acknowledge the beauty in your reality right now. Where you don’t feel the need to change or alter anything because your heart is so rooted in gratitude that you see everything as a gift from Source.

I’m no stranger to feeling unbalanced & unfulfilled in life. There were moments in my journey where I would question if where I’m at is where I need to be. This was a result of the many influences in my life like social media, family, friends, etc. Other’s can project these high expectations onto you. Then making you feel like you have to live up to them. Until I realized that none of that has anything to do with me. That is more about them & their own personal views of life. Realizing this shifted my whole perspective. It allowed me to see that I’m enough in this moment right now & so are you reading this.

Don’t feel like you have to obtain more to feel validated in some way. You’ll get the validation & still feel like something is missing. That’s because it is. This can put you in an endless loop. In that loop you lose your sense of self. This is where valuing the concept that the present is the gift can aid in changing the narrative in your life. When you start to feel like life is feeling too much & that you’re overwhelmed with the hustle & bustle, take a moment to breathe. What the breath does is anchor you into the now. Its directly connected to our bodies. Consciously breathing sends a signal to the brain that says “I am here & all is well”.

Hold space for gratitude. Yes, there will always be things that you desire but have you taken a moment to see that where you are today at some point was a desire as well? Gratitude makes us see the miracle in simply being. What you’ve prayed for when you were a 12 or 13 year old girl/boy is now your reality today. Your younger self would be so proud of your growth. Life was never about obtaining physical things. Physical things are great representations of the journey but they don’t make the journey itself. You do.

This is your reminder that you are always on the right path. You will reach the next big thing but thank yourself & your creator for all you’ve endured throughout your process. Life is not supposed to be easy by any means but there is always beauty in every twist & turn.


Spring Equinox 2023


Winter Season Blues