When its time to cut ties.

Cutting ties can feel extremely difficult. Maybe you’ve known this person your whole life so the history of the connection binds you to this person. Or maybe its the case that you haven’t known this person for long yet they still leave an impact on your life in a major way. Either way it can feel taxing on your hearts center. However, where does that come from? I feel the guilt comes from not wanting to step on anyones toes. Or maybe we just fear appearing too selfish or that we’re overreacting. Or maybe you’re in a position where whomever you feel you need to detach from is your only source of company. All reasons are valid but never valid enough to not put your needs first.

We’ve all been there before or will be there at some point in time. However, never feel devastated when a bond breaks. Something only breaks when the foundation of it wasn’t strong enough to begin with. It wouldn’t have lasted the test of time. I’m realizing that some things in life have an expiration date on them while others are simply limitless. If you’re experiencing this now or have in the past just know that the expiration date has come & simultaneously your level of inner growth has deepened. Kind of like a plant. Once a plant grows you must switch out its pot & replant it in fresh soil. That pot may be bigger & better suited for the next phase of the plants life. However it will take some adjustments. Change goes hand in hand with growth.

Around this time last year I had a friend that I was friends with for years. I never would’ve thought there would be a time that we wouldn’t be friends because of our history together but ultimately it was my decision. One hard lesson I had to learn personally was that history should never be the only reason a relationship stays together. Throughout that time people can change. I felt like I was “outgrowing my pot”. I had been doing extensive amounts of inner work on myself to the point that everyone noticed the changes within me. I began to find my own spark. As I did I found that the old things that kept us together included things that didn’t really resonate with me anymore. I almost felt guilty at first when the feelings arised but then I remembered that all of this is normal. Especially in your 20s. Its okay to outgrow people. Its okay to not want to share your life with them anymore. & its especially okay if someone chooses to remove themselves from you. Remember that everything has a higher purpose. Even if in the moment it doesn’t quite feel that way. Know that you’re divinely guided always.

In the mean time, focus on things you can control. Like your own choice to be happy. Or on your own growth. Do this with love. Move with grace. Anything else will always come back to you. Remember that. It can be a tough pill to swallow when its time to let go but that’s the hardest part. Once that’s done your beautiful transformation is free to take place.


Hustle Culture.