Dope fiends for Dopamine

There’s no secret that we live in a world full of technology. I don’t think our ancestors could’ve imagined us living in a world with all of the luxuries that technology allows us to have access to. Things such as cell phones, laptops, ipads, social media, etc. However this is our new normal & it’ll only get more pronounced as time progresses. Even though there are multiple different perks to the rise in technology, there are also down sides to it. Like the negative effects it can have on your brain.

Our brains are full of different chemicals that react with one another. One chemical in particular that I’m going to shed light on is “Dopamine”. Dopamine is kind of like the pleasantry sensor in your brain. Its technically a neurotransmitter/hormone. So basically your body makes it & your nervous system sends messages between nerve cells. Dopamine makes you feel good. It allows us to indulge in pleasure such as sex, shopping, baking, or even eating sweets/junk food. Dopamine is also present in the things we consume. Like social media.

Social media at first was created as a way to connect with long lost friends & family members. However, since humans have evolved so has the timeline of social media. You can definitely utilize it for a multitude of things now. People have even created successful careers out if it. All in which are amazing but can be detrimental if not consumed healthily. Since dopamine is the feel good sensor in our body, social media plays an important role in how we feel about ourselves. Whether that is exchanging messages with someone in your DM or engaging in content as you scroll aimlessly time & time again. Dopamine is present & wants to be felt.

Dopamine mixed with the ideologies of social media can create false narratives in our minds eye concerning ourselves & our image. We’ve all been in that space where you may post something that you worked incredibly hard on that truly meant a lot to you only to be met with mediocre engagement. Or when you simply just don’t feel seen or acknowledged in general on the app. This raises the concern within ourselves that makes us question if we are good enough. Which is extremely valid & understandable but not always true. Some of us may feel this & go down the rabbit hole of self doubt & self delusion to the point where we begin to alter ourselves & conform to a “normal” that wasn’t meant to be inhibited as our own. This is what I call “dope fiends for dopamine”.

We all like to feel validated but how we view ourselves first matters more. Sadly this isn’t the case in our world today. Aimlessly scrolling to feed the fix of a desire that isn’t going to be fulfilling in the next 10 mins is (to me) considered torture. Dopamine is fleeting, meaning that once you get that craving fulfilled there will always be another craving for what you think you want. It creates this endless cycle of inconsistent desires. It’s no different than taking actual drugs. In fact it’s said that addicts are addicts because of the dopamine being released throughout the brain when consuming. Nowadays we have people incredibly indulged in social media culture that their own sense of individuality is so lost in the sauce. Leaving many people constantly looking for something outside of themselves to feel good when in reality its always been YOU.

Social media & technology in general can be very addicting but it should NEVER be able to sway your own sense of security within yourself. It shouldn’t be that powerful that you forget to be present. The now is truly a gift. Whenever you feel invalidated or high strung out on the multiple pathways of your life & where you think it should go maybe take some time away from “feeling good” & sit with a full heart of gratitude. Where you are right now is perfectly aligned. Anything that tries to convince you otherwise is your inner dope fiend.

Silence it & remember who the fuck you are.


Winter Season Blues


Hustle Culture.