Hustle Culture.

With social media becoming more & more popular than ever so has the idea of what we view as success. The standard of what we once viewed as feasible seems a bit harder to obtain as the quality of life continues to shift. This is all according to the standard of society. Social media has played a major role in many goals we look to obtain in our lives. It’s kind of like an irony. We’re so connected yet very disconnected from each other which makes us lose touch of what life was really intended to be like. I mean lets face it. You see someone accomplish something that society sees as notable & automatically begin to question your life forgetting that everyone’s journey is purposely intended to be different. Or it could even be the case that you grew up having less than everyone else & it may have made you feel inferior to the next person. Whatever it is this is how hustle culture has manifested.

Hustle culture makes us feel like whatever we’re doing in this very moment isn’t good enough or doesn’t meet the “standard” & that we must strive for better because of all the glitz and glamour we have access to daily. We see the influencers with the G wagon trucks & luxury bags & automatically feel like if we don’t have that then we’re failing in life when that belief is false. First off, it may sound a bit cliche but money never bought happiness. In fact if you speak to anyone that has money they make it seem as though its more of a headache than it actually brings peace. True peace is your personal perception of what the “standard” is to you in your life. AKA whatever makes YOU happy.

Many of us (especially in the black/brown community) tend to have this obscure view of success because we have been without for so long. We almost feel like its our duty to be the first in our families to create generational wealth. Which is a beautiful thing but beautiful when its not at your own detriment. Often times we rush into things & put in 10 times more work than what we need to based off of the root of a much bigger issue which is insecurity. Working solely from a place of lack only manifests more lack. Even if you obtain the monetary figure you’re desiring there will still be an unwavering emotion of discontentment built up inside of you waiting to burst out. Why? Mainly because it needs to be released. This is working from a wounded masculine space.

We are all made up of both feminine & masculine energy. You need both. The feminine is the ultimate bringer of life which makes the energy a powerful manifesting tool while the masculine is perfect at implementing & taking action on whatever is needed. The feminine visualizes & the masculine makes it all happen. When the energy is working from a place of unhealed trauma or wounds this manifests as what we know today as hustle culture. Making every goal we visualize from our unbalanced feminine energy into something that isn’t what we truly want from our core which then causes the masculine side of ourselves to take unnecessary action.

There’s a need to connect with what we truly desire & not what we think we do based off of what everyone else is doing. It’s time to take the pressure off of ourselves & create balance. Don’t let hustle culture rush you or make you feel like your “small” accomplishments aren’t good enough because they are. You making the choice to get up everyday & be proactive in your life is enough. This shouldn’t be confused with the notion that we shouldn’t strive to be better but this is something to bring awareness to the fact that whatever you’re striving for should be a reflection of what’s truly in your heart. How does what you’re doing benefit more than just you? & why do you feel as though you must chase something that is already meant to be in your possession? These are good questions to ask ourselves prior to setting standards on ourselves & our own lives.

It’s also important now more than ever to practice gratitude. What you have right now could be far more than what another person has. Granted this isn’t a competition but just something to put things into perspective. Having gratitude allows us to be present in the already existing miracle we’ve prayed for. There will always be many races to run & goals to obtain but what truly matters is the state of being in which you’re in right now.


Dope fiends for Dopamine


When its time to cut ties.