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Spring Equinox 2023

Spring has sprung

The first day of spring is on March 20th which also kicks off the start of the zodiac sign, Aries season. This is such a time of rebirth as mother natures flowers bloom & the brighter days last longer. As we are products of our environment, whether we realize this fully or not we too mirror the changes of the seasons. Just as nature blooms it is also our time to do the same.

Since Aries is considered the first sign of the zodiac (according to the zodiac calendar), this also marks the astrological New Year. If you’ve found yourself not fully resonating with the traditional New Year in the beginning of January then this may be clarity as to why. Aries energy represents a fresh start. Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac making their season feel like a time of wrapping things up & tying up loose ends before diving head first into new territory. Aries is also ruled by the Ram which can be represented as an energy of dominance, strength, directness, & quick paced speed. They are notorious for leading the pack & their individuality. Aries is ruled by the head which is all about self.

During this time of prominent change, we can expect to feel more energized & ready to finally put our best foot forward. Whether this is regarding a project you’ve been desiring to work on or if this is just showing up everyday to be your best self, Aries season will have you covered. You could even find yourself in a better mood especially if you’ve recently found yourself in a bit of some doom & gloom in the beginning of the year. Now could also be an awesome time to set new intentions & plant the seeds towards new endeavors. This could be included but not limited to business, career paths, or even just simple personal goals. Goals that you know will make impact you greatly but you just haven’t had the energy to implement them.

This energy will encourage you to aim high. Aries are high achievers. Whatever they want they know they can have so they go & get it for themselves. Since they are independent by nature, you may find yourself wanting to go at things alone or exploring new areas within yourself that you haven’t discovered before. This is an exciting time of change & renewal.

In addition to all of this high vibe energy going around, we have a New moon also on March 21st (lots of things going on around this date). New moons are a great for new beginnings as they start a fresh lunar cycle before we approach the full moon. This new moon is the sign of… you guessed it… ARIES. Full moons shed its cosmic spotlight on our emotional bodies while New moons don’t shed any light at all. Matter fact, the sky is at its darkest state under a new moon. With there seemingly nothing present in the sky, this is more confirmation of that fresh slate that we talked about earlier.

The theme is fresh & new & improved. Its an optimal time to start new things. Hobbies, businesses, self care regimens, new diets, exercises, maybe even a new look if you feel like it. Just go for it. Nothing will be standing in your way besides the man (or woman) in the mirror. You owe it to yourself to show up for you because no one else but you has that capability. Make it fun. Make it bold. Aries loves a good bold moment (lol). But most importantly, make it YOU. Embrace your individuality. I find that each zodiac sign season teaches us a bit about ourselves but through the lens of their world. We can learn a thing or 2 from Aries care-free, impulsive & leadership nature. We all have it within us. We just must not be afraid to access it.

You’re Ready!

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